As of August, 2017, price for online tutoring in English at PhysTech School is fixed at 30 US dollars/hour (60 minutes).
We offer free trial online lesson. If you choose to continue studying with our tutor, after the first class we will discuss organizational matters, including final goals of our work, frequency and duration of lessons, preferred payment method. Depending on your country and location, it could be Transferwise, Venmo, bank transfer, card-to-card payment, cash etc.
PhysTech School also offers tutoring Math and Physics in Russian. Please follow this link to get more information about our services to Russian-speaking customers.
Contact us and schedule you first lesson — get one step closer to success!
(+ 7) 952-414-5932 — Viber
(+1) 857-205-3159 — WhatsApp
tel. (+ 38)050-662-9932 — (Ukraine)